Making Kids a Priority on the National Policy Agenda


Posts tagged Changing National Narrative
Is the Portrayal of Children in the News Moving Us Toward a Collective Sense of Responsibility?

Kids are having their media moment. Although having kids in the spotlight is great, we also need to consider how they are presented. Are these issues being positioned in ways that will move our society toward considering the best interests of children in all our decisions?

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When It Comes to Kids, Are We Communicating What We Think We Are?

There are thousands of amazing organizations and tens of thousands of child advocates across the country who work tirelessly to ensure that all of our kids can thrive. And yet, as important and effective that our advocacy has been, it is hard to ignore the fact that our collective efforts have not had the full impact we all hope for.

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What If We Centered Kids in Our Policy Decisions?

With the passage of the American Rescue Plan and the proposed American Families Plan, I am encouraged by the increasing inclusion of children’s issues in national-level policy discussions. As we begin shifting from crisis toward recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have an opportunity to do better by our kids—to center their needs in our policy decisions and to create meaningful opportunities for young people to have a voice in the programs that affect them.

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A Historic Win for Kids

The American Rescue Plan is the single largest investment made to improve the lives of kids, and its recognition of government having a supportive role in this is unprecedented. Let’s celebrate this historic win for kids, and capitalize on this momentum to build an overall, comprehensive plan to raise the priority of children and young people in our country.

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